Alok School
Alok School serves a diverse student body from varying socioeconomic backgrounds, many of whom face financial hardships and societal exclusion. The school is particularly supportive of students with learning difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, and dyslexia. Alok School provides a nurturing environment that emphasizes inclusivity and individual strengths, offering specialized teaching methods to help all students thrive regardless of their background.
Alok School - At a Glance
Students Currently enrolled
Male to Female Student Ratio
Students have graduated till date
Our Initiatives
Digital Learning Classes
Our academy operates on a daily basis to provide the best education
Ensuring Nutritious Meal
Nourishing success with nutritious meals
Annual Science Fair
Engaging minds and empowering innovation through Science Fairs.
Ensuring Participation in National Events
Participating in National Events, fostering pride and unity.
School Library
Participating in National Events, fostering pride and unity.
Health Campaigns
Promoting wellness through impactful health campaigns.